My shows present music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and live performances.
Upcoming Shows
Join me every Monday noon to 3pm here on WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio stream.
Archived Shows
April 12th: Trilling those tunes.
April 5th: Raising the spirits.
March 29th: Tunes tell tales through time.
March 22nd: Songs for Spring and gratitude.
March 15th: WFMU Marathon Week 2 w/co-host David Dichelle
March 8th, 2021: WFMU Fundraising Marathon Week 1 w/co-host Julie
March 1st, 2021: Wilted roses for the waining winter.
February 22nd: The after-effects of physical snow-fitti
February 15th: Celebrating Chick Corea (June 12, 1941-February 9, 2021)
February 8th: Snow in the trees and songs in my head.
February 1st: Flakes and files are flying
January 25th: Listen well, laugh often, love music.
January 18th: Prayers for people of peace.
January 11th: Streaming Stars: My Favorites of 2020 in No Particular Order of Importance (part 2 of 2)
January 9th, 2021: A BowieBarrettDenny Birthday Celebration.
January 4th, 2021: Streaming Stars: My Favorites of 2020 in No Particular Order of Importance (part 1 of 2)
December 28th, 2020: The joys of listening.
December 26th, 2020: Happy Boxing Day! (A fill-in for The Knave's Five Miles To Midnight)
December 21st, 2020: (Stayin' at) Home for the Holidaze.
December 7th, 2020: Radiation from my devices to yours.
November 30th, 2020: The flutterings of fall.
November 23rd, 2020: Engineering a beautiful musical space.
November 16th, 2020: Something to November me by.
November 9th, 2020: Autumn's joyous notes.
November November 2nd, 2020: More Guitars Galore!
October 26th: Guitars Galore!
October 19th, 2020: Singles Going Steady Week!
October 12th, 2020: Just lovin' John Lennon! (An 80th birthday celebration)
October 5th, 2020: October's unsurprisingly quirky selections.
September 28, 2020: A mixture of many parts and pieces.
September 21, 2020: The mysteries of music collections.
September 14, 2020: Music pops up all around us.
September 12, 2020: Sounds for spinning 'round the sun.
September 7, 2020: A veritable waterfall of music.
August 31, 2020: It's all in the I's.
August 24, 2020: Fanning the musical flames.
August 17, 2020: Spinning discs and rolling files.
August 15, 2020: Safely swimming in the sounds: Irene and Peter fill-in for Dave
August 10, 2020: It's a jazz festival in my head!
August 3, 2020: Seeking the day's pleasant moments.